End of Service Benefit in UAE
Currently I am working in a company in Dubai. I have completed 6 years now and I am going to resign and join another company. I want to know how much end of service benefit I will get?
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End of Service Benefit in UAE
Answers (1)
12 years ago
As per UAE labor law,

If you are terminated or fired then you are entitled to get 21 days of your basic salary for the first five years and 30 days basic salary for each additional year. You must complete minimum 1 year to be eligible for end of service benefit.

Example 1:

Basic salary = 5000 AED

Years completed = 7

Salary per Day = 5000 X 12 / 365 = 164.38 AED

Salary for 21 Days = 21 x 164.38 = 3451.98

Salary for 30 Days = 30 x 164.38 = 4931.4

Benefit for the first 5 years = 3451.98 x 5 = 17259.9 AED

Benefit for the next 2 years = 4931.4 x 2 = 9862.8 AED

Total Benefit = 17259.9 + 9862.8 = 27122.7 AED


If you resigned the job and completed 3 years then you are entitled to get 1/3 of 21 days basic salary.

Example 2:

Basic salary = 5000 AED

Years completed = 3

Salary per Day = 5000 X 12 / 365 = 164.38 AED

Salary for 21 Days = 21 x 164.38 = 3451.98

1/3 rd of Salary = 1/3 * 3451.98 = 1150.66

Total Benefit = 1150.66 x 3 years = 3451.98 AED


If you resigned the job and completed 5 years then you are entitled to get 2/3 of 21 days basic salary

Example 3:

Basic salary = 5000 AED

Years completed = 5

Salary per Day = 5000 X 12 / 365 = 164.38 AED

Salary for 21 Days = 21 x 164.38 = 3451.98

2/3 rd of Salary = 2/3 * 3451.98 = 2301.32

Total Benefit = 2301.32 x 5 years = 11506.6 AED


If you resigned the job and completed more than 5 years then you are entitled to get entire benefit.

Example 4:

Basic salary = 5000 AED

Years completed = 8

Salary per Day = 5000 X 12 / 365 = 164.38 AED

Salary for 21 Days = 21 x 164.38 = 3451.98

Salary for 30 Days = 30 x 164.38 = 4931.4

Benefit for the first 5 years = 3451.98 x 5 = 17259.9 AED

Benefit for the next 3 years = 4931.4 x 3 = 14794.2 AED

Total Benefit = 17259.9 + 14794.2 = 32054.1 AED


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